Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A couple of funny stories...

Just thought I'd share a couple of cute stories that happened today. First off we were at the grocery store about 11:00am, which is too close for comfort to Gavin's nap. In times like these it takes some well portioned out treats (fruit snacks, lolipop) to keep him happy for the time I need to get what we came for and get outta there!! It's usually very much a roller coaster experience at the grocery store at this time because he is excited about all there is to see (it's a BIG, warehouse type store) yet he is also tired and when he's tired he gets loud! OK-so the scene is set. We were almost done with the trip, which I had kept to about 25 minutes, and I thought I'd get some fresh bagels since it's something daddy and Gavin love to share in the mornings. So, I parked the cart about 2 feet away from the bagels so as not to crowd the old man and the worker who were using the bagel station. Gavin was happily sorting through things in the cart when he looked up and noticed that I was filling a bag full of bagels. At the top of his voice he shouted, "OH , MOMMY GETTING BAGELS! YEAAAAAAA! MOMMY! GOOD JOB MOMMY!" And ended with an applause. I busted out laughing and thanked him for cheering me on! Spend just a little time with Gavin and you'll find this enthusiasm for many things in life! He is a passionate one, be it positive or negative!
The other story is that last week Gavin spent three days with my mom and dad at their beach condo. He loves to go to "Grandpa's beach house" (not sure how g-pa got all the credit). However, we soon found that when we got there and took him inside he got upset and ran for the door shouting, "NO, GO GRANDPA'S BEACH HOUSE!" "We are in grandpa's beach house." we'd try to tell him, but he was insistent that he wanted to go outside the house. After some time we finally realized that "Grandpa's beach house" referred to the great outdoors and apparently grandpa owns the whole beach-that's where he wants to go-not inside some condo. Sooooo...anyway, while he was there, Grandpa taught him to say (in the most Italian accent) "Me, I don't know!" Picture my dad gesturing with those Italian hands and laying on the accent thick. So, Gavin thought it was funny and loved to imitate that. OK-so here's the story from today...It was bed time, Gavin was beside himself tired. I suggested a bath and he flipped out during the short bath, I suggested a diaper and he flipped out because his tummy hurt, I gave him gas drops and he finally let me put the diaper on but we are talking BIG huge tears and a red- scrunched up face-just screaming of tiredness. Finally I said, over Gavin's loud cries, "OK, where are your jammies, didn't I bring them in here?" He stopped crying and with the breathless sobs still in his chest exclaimed, "Me, I don't know!" Again, I bust out laughing (as my grandma would say!) He, of course, after the statement, and a brief look around went back to his fit and didn't ever realize just how funny he'd been. I laughed all the way to bed!