This is a short post to say how thankful I am that Gavin has such an awesome family to grow up with. We just spent some time with both of our families and Gavin knows them all by name. It's so fun to get up in the morning and see his reaction when we say, "Do you want to go see Poppi and Nonni (Benjy's parents) today?" or "We are gonna see Grandpa and Grandma (my parents)" or look out if we even mention his cousins! I know what a richness my family was to me and my childhood growing up. Going and seeing my grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins was the highlight of my year (literally) because we always had so much fun and I felt so loved!
I'm thankful that Gavin is going to have wonderful influences in his life from the adults and great friends in his cousins. So I included a picture of Gavin with his Cousin Nicolas who is only one month younger, just because it was what got me thinking about all of this in the first place. Although they don't really appreciate each other now (they just sort of coexist in the same room together but don't really play together quite yet) it will be so fun to grow up together and I'm so thankful God gave him that gift.
Some family he has yet to meet and get to know and I'm so excited for that because his life will be all the richer for it.
On that note: Jonny (Benjy's little bro) and Sara-can't wait to spend time with you in a couple of weeks!
Jesse (Benjy's big bro) and Shawna-Gavin will love getting to spend time with his four cousins from Oregon! Hopefully this Christmas????
And to my AZ family-we can't wait to see you all in November and I know Gavin will love his second cousin Michael who's also close in age.
This is probably my most rambling post so far so thanks for bearing with me. Check out the next post about our summer (below)!